Tips & Tricks

What is a netlinking platform?

Julien Nishimata

Netlinking is one of the major levers of your SEO strategy as it allows you to maximize the visibility of your website. The use of specialized platforms can optimize the effectiveness of purchasing backlinks or links. But how do they work? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

How netlinking platforms work

The operation of netlinking platforms is based on a fairly simple model: putting advertisers and publishers/media in touch with each other. They are, for the most part, free access (with registration), free and without commitment. They provide a search engine on which you define your technical quality criteria such as Trust Flow, Citation Flow, Domain Rating, number of positioned keywords, number of backlinks… as well as criteria such as rate, country or theme. Depending on the platform, the services can vary: self-service in the catalog, customized support, possibility to contact the editor or the advertiser, validation of texts before publication… as it is the case with

You can therefore get in touch easily with sites in the theme you want and according to your constraints and conditions. You pay only at the time of your purchase including the commissions of the platforms like a traditional e-commerce site.

The advantages of netlinking platforms 

The purchase of links on netlinking platforms has many advantages that we will try to list. The use of a netlinking platform allows you to access a catalog of various sites in France and internationally with a wide choice of quality sites and rates. You can view the SEO indicators as well as the media conditions very quickly. This method allows you to acquire links in a fast, easy and efficient way. You save time and productivity to launch your netlinking campaigns. This saves you from looking for the right contact, negotiating all the conditions, managing the billing part with the different media. Obtaining links is a very time-consuming task, which requires a large network and regular follow-up. 

The other strong points of the platforms are the competitive rates on known and recognized media, the ease of managing the invoicing which is unique, the follow-up of your campaigns, the automatic reminders of the publishers on your orders, the accompaniment by experts in netlinking, the support of the platforms which helps in case of problem. Launching a netlinking campaign is easy! It is important to choose platforms on which you can define your criteria, exchange with publishers and validate your content before publication

Cons of the netlinking platforms

The pros of netlinking platforms are undeniable. There are few cons compared to the benefits they can bring you. To name a few, the rates can be higher when using a platform and some platforms take very high margins. SEO indicators or conditions are not updated daily, usually once a month, so there may be a slight delay. A too large choice of sites, which is then an advantage becomes a disadvantage. 

Buying backlinks is specifically prohibited by Google’s policies. You should not forget that this technique manipulates the search algorithm of the web giant. That’s why the search engine can penalize your website if it detects reprehensible practices in terms of SEO.

Know that buying links is not the only technique to improve the SEO of your website. The netlinking platforms may seem to be the magic solution, but you must not forget to take care of the structure and content of your site, as well as the performance.